Retro Pie Instructions

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Quick Start

When you receive your SD Card it will be ready to plug in to your Raspberry Pi and configure your controller.

First plugin the controller and monitor and power the raspberry pi. Please note that most Pi's require special USB power supplies and cables. If you are using your own then your Pi might not work properly due to insufficient power delivery. This is most common issue with new Raspberry Pi users.

Important! please ensure you have connected the controller and video before you power on the device for the first time.

The system will boot into the controller configuration menu and it will say:

"Hold a Button on your device to configure it"

Proceed with the on-screen instructions. During the button mapping you will be asked for the "HOTKEY ENABLE". This is an important button that will allow you to exit your game. Please choose an available button on your controller for this and remember it. On the Logitech F310 this is the center button with the Logitech logo on it. You may also use the select button on that controller even if you have it mapped already.

Don't worry if you get it wrong. Just continue with the rest of the configuration and you will have another opportunity to correct the button mapping. Once complete you select OK and it will take a few seconds to return to the main menu.

To correct the button mapping just re-enter the menu by rebooting the Raspberry Pi and selecting "Configure Input".

If your controller is so messed up that you can't navigate to the menu then attach a usb keyboard.

Press F4 button and type in the following command: